Monday, September 24, 2007


Okay guys, I'm feeling a little bit nervous. You see, Semaj agreed last night to come over to my place and let the dog out since I have been trapped in my interminable "staff meeting" for most of my "lunch break." But will he come through? I've tried calling him but no response. I hope he is not passed out in his bed, having forgotten yesterday's conversation and blissfully unaware of my little girl's bursting bladder. But I am praying for peace of mind and just acting in faith that he remembered. I hope.

Anyway, it was really awesome of him to offer to do it for me. Thanks bro! Now answer your phone!

Sorry to freak out. I just hate the thought of my little girl sitting in her own pee for six hours. But I'm sure she's fine.


Kevin said...

Uh oh, Granny Lynn coming through!

Well Wisher said...

I just talked to Anaid. She was like, "Uh, Megan, what's the worst thing that could happen? Your dog will sit in pee for a few hours. She won't even remember tomorrow. Get over yourself." So now I feel better. Dumb, but better.

You know you've gone over the edge when Anaid is your reality check.

Kevin said...

HAHAHA, yes, definitely over the edge when shes giving you reality checks.