Thursday, August 16, 2007

Ten Things I Regret Not Doing

1. Getting really good grades in college. A sister to this regret is Not transferring to another school.

2. Joining the Peace Corps, Americorps or any of the vast numbers of long-term volunteer positions that are available.

3. Continuing figure skating.

4. ?

5. Believing people who told me I could not make visual art or music.

6. Designing a pantyhose that does not run.

7. Using my summer vacations in college to get really good internships.

8. Reacting to things emotionally when I was a kid. I was always proud of not crying or feeling sad, hurt, or lonely. I was very judgmental of people who did. I wish I had let myself be a little more human.

9. Telling people good things about themselves.

10. Resisting the urge to buy all the tons of crap that I have bought over the years because it was "cute" or "cool" or equally stupid reasons. Man, if I had all the money I have spent on stupid stuff . . .

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