Thursday, August 30, 2007

Thankful Thursday

I just had a long talk with an old friend from high school who is going through some tough times, so I thought I'd make a little list of things that I am thankful for just to remind myself of how good I have it. And not Pollyanna stuff like, “I’m thankful for the mildewy grout in my tub because at least I have a tub in which to bathe myself.” [cue violin] Just little things that genuinely give me a tiny thrill when I think about them.

I am thankful . . .

1. for my secret place, a shady park bench on a footpath behind the Hebrew Home, where I can sneak away and read my book on my lunch break.

2. for persistent friends who call me to check in when I haven’t called in awhile.

3. for my large ankles. Some might not call them ladylike but I love my large bursal sacks for protecting my ankle joints.

4. for my palm tree. I have never successfully kept a plant alive before. I am extraordinarily flattered that this one has decided to stay with me.

5. for the tiny sliver of window I can see through the glass front door at my office. We don’t have much natural light but fortunately we have a glass front door and the salon across from us has a glass front door and even though the angles are funny, I can still see a tiny crack of one of their windows, enough to have some idea of what the weather is like and where the sun is in the sky. I love that little slash of window.

6 for the stormy weather. I love steamy rainy afternoons in the summer. They make me feel excited. I love to curl up by a window or lean on the railing on our little covered balcony and watch the rain, listen to the thunder, feel the laser-green thread of a crackle in the air.

7 for the policeman who didn't give me a ticket when he caught me cutting through the service road yesterday so I could get to work on time. I swear I had never seen the "Service Road - Residents Only" sign. I saw it today, though - it has white writing on a green background and it looks just like those signs that point to the nearby school/library/rec center. No wonder I didn't see it. Pretty tricky, Montgomery County. Anyway, thanks copper man.

8 for my wedding ring. T-Bone and I picked one out last week and I love it so much. Might have to return it because it will take a couple of months to pay for. But part of me says, "You waited over two years. You deserve it!" We'll see but at least I have it for a little while and if I do return it, at least I know what I love!

9 for back scratches. I've been having an allergic reaction to my current soap, which I'm really bummed about because now I have to start the search for a new soap (plus I love the way my current soap smells) but T-Bone gives me back scratches and they feel so great.

10 for my stepmom. Now that I am a stepmom, I am learning just how difficult it is to navigate the role when you love someone so much but you don't really have any rights or any say in what happens to them. I really admire my stepmom for doing it so gracefully. Love you Granny Lynn!

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