Thursday, August 16, 2007

Ten Things I'm Glad I'm Not Doing

1. Sitting in rush hour traffic.
2. Working for the union, CVS, CSAAC or any of my past employers.
3. Procrastinating.
4. Learning to dance.
5. Sleeping in my car in February because I was driving on the Blue Ridge Parkway and it got dark and I was driving and driving with no exit in sight, miles and miles till my gas gauge dipped down WAY past "E" and I was sure the engine would just sputter to a stop right there until finally I followed a long ramp down to a twisty twiny road that went on and on until I knew I would run out of gas in the Appalachian wilderness with no contact to the outside world and never emerge until twenty-seven years later when I would stumble out blind, matted and speaking in guttural utterances, until finally I reached the off-ramp to reality, only to discover that it was locked because the Parkway closes at midnight.
6. Talking to an irate customer with scorchingly bad breath.
7. Screening calls from debt collectors.
8. Explaining to someone I love why I acted in a way that ended up hurting them.
9. Lancing a boil.
10. Waiting.

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