Monday, June 18, 2007

looking for reading suggestions

Anybody read anything good lately?


Kevin said...

I am reading A Fighers Heart by Sam Sheridan but if oyur not into that kind of thing (Mixed Martial Arts) it probably wouldn't be a good read. Although he does pretty much try every form of martial arts you can think of, even throws some meditation in there. I am almost through with it now and it has not disappointed.

Luap Otisopse said...

I haven't read a whole lot of books, as my reading is usually the newspaper, various sports magazines, and the comics. But, and this might be too going with the masses, I really really enjoyed "The Da Vinci Code" by Dan Brown - couldn't put it down when I started (and it didn't even have pictures!). Also, I always recommend "The Celestine Prophecy" by James Redwood. Kind of a metaphysical, non-denominational spiritual quest, non-fictional fiction.

Well Wisher said...

I liked The DaVinci Code too. You should try his other books - they're pretty good!

Check out my friend from high school who does muy thai now! She was kinda lumpy and geeky in high school. Just goes to show you, it's always the geeks and losers who grow up to be the coolest people.

Present company excepted, of course!

Kevin said...

Oh my goodness she is wicked! That's awesome do you keep in touch still?

Well Wisher said...

No, she was really more my cousin Katie's friend than mine. She always seemed like she was in search of an identity in high school, kind of a "wannabe." Looks like she finally found her identity, tho! Rockin!