Monday, July 9, 2007

Laidback Sunday

Dad and I watched SiCKO together last night - it was just as powerful as the first two times! I still cried like a baby when the woman got the Cuban inhalers. Whoever scored that movie did an incredible job - the music hits all the right emotional cues. Dad seemed to enjoy it too.

We also went for a long walk with Telmah and Anyhc. Dad could have gone farther but I had to put an end to the madness. It's the first time I've pooped out in a long time and it made me realize even more what cruddy shape I am in. I definitely need to get out there and move more. I know that once I have a dog, I will be much more motivated to get out there. Walking without a companion just doesn't feel complete to me and T-Bone is so exhausted by his work - poor Binky - that he's not usually up for walking by the time I get home. I'm super-excited to get a dog - can you tell?!

Telmah had a great time chasing sticks, although his technique is to bellyflop into the water, paddle around a little bit and then look for the stick. He kept swimming right past it so Dad and I stood on the shore and directed him with a lot of pointing and fake stick-throwing: "Look, Telmah! Over there! Go get the stick! Oh, GOOD BOY, you got the stick!!!" Dad even had to throw a rock in after the stick so that it would make a splash so Telmah would know where the stick was.

Anyhc does this really funny thing in the water. She stretches out with her hind legs behind her and then just scoots along biting the water. Then she'll leap up and dash to the muddiest part of the shore, where she will smear her little body along until she is entirely encased in mud. Ewww!

After we got back from out walk, I was really beat. I showered and started reading a book. Dad watched the Tennis Channel for about two minutes and then he was like, "Wanna go out on the canoe?"

"Um, I was actually thinking about taking a nap," I said sheepishly. I really wanted to go because how often do I get Dad and me time? But I was really bushed.

So Dad looked downcast for about a second and then he said, "Telmah, wanna go on the canoe?!" Telmah thumped his tail to say, "Sure boss, whatever you say!" and they went off to the lake to go for a canoe ride. When they got back an hour or so later, Telmah looked very happy so I guess they had a good time. I hope I can get out soon with those two.

While they were gone, Mom and Anyhc and I hung out and had girl time. At some point Semaj the Betrothed emerged to say he was going to get something to eat. We said we were thinking about ordering a pizza and he did a Telmah and perked up real fast, haha! So we ordered pizza and watched bad TV until it was time for me to go home. And then I drove too fast since I knew I was going to see T-Bone and finally got home, where I fell into bed and slept soundly.


Luap Otisopse said...

YEAH! That was just what I needed:) Mah rules! That puppy picture is so cute, OMG I want a dog too! HAHA, Semaj did a Telmah. Nice!

Kevin said...

We should all collectively band together and get dogs at the same time. We can all get together on weekends and go for long walks with the dogs, the dogs can bond and become dog siblings just like we are. I think that would be awesome, any takers?

Well Wisher said...

here! here! pick me! pick me!