Friday, July 6, 2007

Oh Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday Mr. President! We got those candles that just keep lighting, no matter how many times you try to blow them out.


Kevin said...

Two of those candles shouldnt even be on the cake.

Kevin said...

If we didnt have a jackass for a president is what I meant to add to that.

Luap Otisopse said...

I'm so tired of politicians. Are ANY of them really that great? Or are they all part of the Babylon Sytem? Color me disenfranchised...

Well Wisher said...

This is the thing - politically active people control their politicians. The politician's mandate is to vote or act as her constituents want her to vote or act. Her job is to listen to whoever is talking so we have to make sure that we're the ones talking the longest, the loudest and the most urgently. Otherwise - and this is NOT a barb directed at anyone in particular, just a philosophical statement - otherwise you have not earned the right to be unhappy with how your politicians act.

We are the caretakers of our country, not the other way around. You have to build a house before you can drink margaritas on the patio. Likewise, fulfilling the responsibilities of living in a democracy has to come before enjoying the benefits.

Luap Otisopse said...

Nice home video quote for the title too!

Luap Otisopse said...

But alot of us feel like the politicians don't give a damn how we feel! They'll say whatever sugar coated crap it takes to win our votes, and they're in special interest lobbyists' pockets anyway. A lot of folks in our age group are totally dis-enfrancized, and I think the politicians want it that way.

Well Wisher said...

I hear what your saying. I know it is frustrating. And I know it is tempting to believe that the special interests have already bought the pols and own them hook line and sinker. But the only reason special interests can buy votes is that there is very little public outcry when it happens. And by "outcry" I don't mean everybody shaking their heads and saying tsk-tsk. I mean protests, op-eds, flooding the Congress phone lines, calling into television shows and expressing yourself, etc.

All I am saying is that giving up and letting them have free rein is not the answer. If they don't give a damn then we have to make them deal with us because it is our lives that hang in the balance. As British progressive Tony Benn would say, they want us frightened and demoralized because a frightened and demoralized citizenry can be controlled.

So you mean disfranchised or disenchanted? Sorry - just wondering so I know how to respond.

I know there are a lot of people who feel beaten down. My intention is not to beat them down further by wagging my finger. I want to inspire people to believe that they can have more. But the point I make about civic responsibility is something I believe so strongly that I can't pretend otherwise.

As I have said before, voters' lack of participation is a result of a deliberate campaign to make them believe that their votes count for nothing. That's why it is so important to see through that message to the man behind the curtain, who really is no more powerful than any of us.

One thing I will say: it is vitally important that any democracy make Election Day a paid holiday for every person of voting age. The fact that it is not in the United States is DISGRACEFUL and further evidence of the conscious attempt to disfranchise working- and middle-class voters.

Keep the faith, bro! Our generation WILL be the one to change the system, one voice at a time!

Kevin said...

We need to vote for the right candidate to get someone in there who has a wit about them. We voted idiot into office twice, by we I mean the American people. I sure as hell did not vote for him, this is why our democracy is so dangerous, somehow enough people got up enough muster to look at the polls and see Kerry or Bush and say, you know I think Bush will do a good job over the next four years. What-what-what!!! Says Mrs. Krozlofski (South Park Reference). How could anyone think that, because there were not enough protests, op-eds, flooding the Congress phone lines, calling into television shows and expressing yourself, etc.

Somehow we did not convince the American people that this guy and his organization was completely wack and out for their own interest. He has fucked himself enough now that it is likely we will get a Dem in office in 09. It is our responsibility as voters to vote for the right candidate. Like Crittergal said, we cannot complain about our candidate if we did not take action to ensure he was not elected to office.

Kevin said...

Im sorry that was full of typo

"Somehow we did not convince the American people that this guy and his organization was completely wack and out for *its* own interest. *not ours*"

"we cannot complain about our *president* if we did not take action to ensure he was not elected to office."